About Us

        ASEAN Environmental Health and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) networks was conducted to Health Cluster 2’s key performance indicators as follow priority 11: Environmental Health and Health impact assessment (HIA). This network was built in order to strengthen Environmental Health capacity to manage ASEAN's priority Environmental Health risks and issues (Such as: water and sanitation, solid and hazardous waste, toxic chemicals, trans-boundary pollution, climate change), including set up ASEAN environmental health knowledge network. Moreover, to empowerment and capacity building of HIA application as "Health in All Policy" by integration into ASEAN universities curriculums for business sectors, community, civil society organizations and government sector.
        OUR mission is to share knowledges, all activities, national conferences information, research articles and best practices which related to Environmental Health issues also Health Impact Assessment (HIA) mechanism among AMS. Nevertheless, national policies and strategies about Environmental Health issues also Health Impact Assessment (HIA) from each countries member will establish for AMS  to develop and set up the action plans that appropriate to any ASEAN countries.